
Whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner, fruit salad is a delicious snack for many of us! You can use the task of preparing the fruit salad as a useful activity to teach your child new words! Doing this task together helps to build your child’s language skills, and trains their motor skills at the same time.



这次早期的准备将帮助您的孩子更快地学习语言 - 与词汇的更快,他们更久地开始说出这些语言。

  • 在购物之前,请与您的孩子交谈您的计划。告诉他们你想制作一些水果沙拉。看看他们是否知道这是什么以及通常使用的成分。
  • Find pictures of fruit salad to show your child, and point out the different fruits that people use. If you already have some of the fruit you will use, show it to your child. Ask them what else you might need to buy, or what they might like to eat.
  • 将图片从杂志中剪出,并与您的孩子制作视觉购物单。

Buy the Ingredients


  • Find out what fruit your child can already label by asking for the fruit first, but make sure not to point or gesture where they are. Say: “I am looking for the apples” and pause while your child looks for the apples.
  • 如果他们没有点,拿起或将目光引导到苹果,它可能意味着他们没有学会与水果的名字相匹配 - 是时候教它了!拿起一个苹果并谈论名称,颜色,形状,气味和纹理。
  • 如果您的孩子可以将“Apple”一词与对象匹配,您仍然可以通过谈论苹果的颜色,纹理,气味和品味来教授它们的新词汇。你也可能会问你的孩子他们想用苹果吃什么,例如“你喜欢吃早餐的苹果,还是用甜点的冰淇淋?”
  • 用你要用于水果沙拉的所有水果重复这些步骤。


Cut the Fruit Salad

Now that you have all the preparation tools and the ingredients, you’re ready to make the fruit salad! Make the preparation a conversation where you and your child both speak in turn. This helps your child to learn about taking turns in conversation, as well as teaching them new words.

  • Cut the fruit into different shapes and sizes and talk about this with your child. “I’m going to cut this one like a triangle. What other things look like a triangle?” or, “What shape is this?” and wait for them to give the correct shape name, or teach them these new words.
  • 问你的孩子以什么顺序他们想铜t up the fruit. “Which fruit would you like to cut first?” You can see if they remember the new words they learnt on the shopping trip.
  • 问你的孩子如果他们有一个喜欢的水果,或者为什么他们比另一个人更喜欢。你也可以问他们哪种水果他们的亲戚或朋友。“你的小妹妹也喜欢草莓,还是喜欢香蕉?
  • Look closely at the fruit and talk about its skin, seeds, and texture.
  • 然后它终于吃了!问你的孩子他们将如何吃水果沙拉。“你要加酸奶吗?”“你打算在内部或外部吃它吗?”“是甜点,还是下午的小吃?”

但是你喜欢吃水果沙拉,我们希望you and your child enjoy it!

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