
When you first begin listening with your hearing implant, you may be surprised at all the different sounds there are in your world. There are some sounds which are important and need to be attended to, such as alarms and moving cars at a crossing. Other sounds can be background noise and don’t require a response. In this post we will talk you through recognizing all the different sounds in your environment, the elements of sound, and tips for analyzing sounds in your environment.

Recognizing New Sounds With Your Hearing Implant

人们在日常互动和经验中听到,分析和对各种声音作出反应。一个很好的例子是我们在家里坐在家里时听到的声音范围。其中一些是无关sounds, which are not connected to you, such as the fan or a vehicle passing by your house. Others are有关sounds, which involve you, such as the keyboard when you are typing and your chair creaking when you move.

It’s important to focus on detecting, analyzing and identifying the sound, so you know how to react. While the fan and keyboard sounds can be ignored, the passing car may indicate someone is coming to visit and it’s time to put the kettle on!


该re are various qualities in a sound that help us decide how to react to it. The most important of these are the pitch, loudness, number of pauses, repetitions, and length.

沥青声光的高度或深淡的低点 - 帮助我们了解声音的源泉。这可以帮助我们识别声音是男性或女性的谈话。或者,声音是否来自空瓶子或充满水的瓶子。

响度of the sound helps us to gauge the distance of the sound source and if it the sound source is moving. For example, knowing whether a car horn sound is coming from nearby or further away will help you know to move off the road or not.





创造一个听力日记: recording all the sounds you can hear and recognize in different environments will help you to be prepared when you return to that location, so your reactions will be faster.

探索environmental soundsmade by objects around the home: become familiar with all the sounds that are likely to occur at home to help you recognize them more quickly over time.

Listen to different kinds of music and individual musical instruments: What do you like to listen to? Do you have a favorite instrument? Experiment and see if you can find a preference to work onmusic appreciation with your hearing implant!!

Learn the voices of the people around you: Listen to your favorite people like亲朋好友那and learn to recognize their individual voices.



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