
Have you heard about our latest cochlear implant audio processor,Rondo 2.? It’s the only audio processor available that can be wirelessly recharged. And according to RONDO 2 user Tom Seabrook, it’s so small and light that “it is really easy to forget you are wearing it!”

汤姆几年前收到了他的耳蜗植入物,最近他是英国的第一个才能获得rondo 2.在这个博客文章中,汤姆告诉我们所有关于他的听力损失,并解释了Rondo 2如何彻底改变他的听觉体验。

Hi, I’m Tom! I am originally from East Yorkshire although I have lived in the north west of England for 20 years now. I have three kids (aged 11, 8, and 4) who keep me active, but I also like running, cycling, and I am a children’s rugby coach and referee. I am self-employed as a solicitor dealing with property advice and disputes. This is flexible and allows time for a few other voluntary roles. On that basis I am also a director of英国聋人运动, part of the commercial team at the rugby club, and a footpath warden for my local parish council.


我第一次注意到我20岁的早期听力损失。这是一个渐进的事情,就好像我一天早上醒来,听不到。它确实达到了它变得非常令人沮丧的观点,因为我刚刚低于植入物的门槛,而且甚至与两个超级功率听力助剂一样挣扎。我的听力损失在我决定放弃橄榄球的决定中也是极其影响力 - 不幸的是没有这样的东西Deaf Rugbyin those days!


And I was really struggling at work—in a big law firm there are always people who will try and take advantage of any perceived weakness. I had almost no剩余听证会在我的右耳,所以通过植入术语,没有什么可以失去的。

Getting A Cochlear Implant

I took the plunge and got cochlear implants. It was very strange at first, everyone sounded very sinister! It took a few days before I could understand anything, but I got an ear infection in my “good” ear which meant I couldn’t wear my hearing aid, so I had to get used to the implant very quickly. We did some rehab exercises with the hospital and at home. My eldest in particular was great. He was only eight at the time but would stand behind me asking random questions to help me practice.

当时,我试过两者RO.NDOOpus 2.和首选的rondo。很棒的是我耳后的任何东西都会有一次。此外,我试图锻炼一下,我对助听器的经验是他们有点汗湿并停止工作。Rondo避免了这一点,特别是当我有短发时。



然后我开始能够了解汽车中收音机的交通和其他新闻。它让你坐下来注意哪些伟大的用具新闻纪人员。我看了Breaking the Silence Live在我的iPad上,并立即认识到我的听力学家的声音,即使她出镜头,我不知道她在它。每天都有渐进的变化,每天听到鸟类唱歌是大多数人可能忘记欣赏的东西。

Getting Back To Normal


My ability to communicate has increased massively and I’ve now set up my own business, which I couldn’t possibly have done before as I needed so much assistance with everyday communication.

I am working on ordinary phone use but almost everyone is happy to use Skype or Facetime and I have a secretary who can make and take calls for me if necessary.

并不是所有的好;我不能相信多长时间train announcements go on, I was blissfully ignorant of them before—even though travel was very stressful as I couldn’t hear platform changes!

发现Rondo 2.

我跟随Med-el在Facebook上,我用听众学家谈论技术,所以我知道Roraybet投注ndo 2即将到来,很高兴被要求审判它。自2018年中旬以来,我已经获得了它。这是一个相当无缝的过程,他们只是将我的旧地图复制到它上面。

你注意到的第一件事是更轻的Rondo 2是多少。很容易忘记你穿着它!因为它更轻,所以不需要这样的强磁铁,使其使它超舒适。

It is incredible how liberating it is not to have to carry spare batteries around and worry about them going at inconvenient times. Also, living not far from Manchester, one of the wettest cities in the UK, it is great not to have to worry too much if it starts to rain! I didn’t have the confidence to go swimming with the old RONDO because it is quite a bit bigger and heavier than RONDO 2 and I was always concerned it would get lost. But I am going to try衣服soon.





想了解有关Rondo 2的更多信息吗?查看everything you need to know在这篇文章中。




The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution is suitable for your specific needs. Not all products, features, or indications shown are approved in all countries.

