
你在想走双边吗?了解Ruth的经验,来自英国的成人双边CI用户。Ruth在大学完成了硕士学位,并作为大学图书馆员。In her last post,Ruth分享了她的CI如何帮助她实现她唱歌和演奏单簧管的音乐目标。在这篇文章中,Ruth与我们聊天了解她作为成年人的双边的经验。

Thanks for talking with us, Ruth! Can you share with us about when you got your first CI?


在我能够拥有一个之前,我的父母已经意识到了很多年几年。出于某种原因,我不符合条件 - 我相信门槛较严格,而且思想是我与我的助听器一起做“足够好”。当听觉专家终于告诉我的母亲这是一种可能性时,我记得我们回到车里,她只是救济。我当时没有意识到它的巨大交易。但她和我的父亲知道它会改善我的听证会很大 - 它确实如此。

How did the decision come about to become a bilateral cochlear implant recipient?

I wanted a second CI for years. I had been having issues with hearing speech in noise, and judging which direction sounds were coming from. I then asked to be able to wear my hearing aid in my non-implanted (left) side. The sound from the hearing aid was weak in comparison to the implant, but it did help a little, and this strengthened my belief that having bilateral implants would make a big difference to my quality of life. I believed it would improve my ability to communicate effectively, and be beneficial to my safety due to being able to hear and judge my surroundings more effectively.

Do you have any tips or advice for an adult beginning their journey with a CI?

这是一个非常令人兴奋的时期,但它带来了一种挑战。我会说,首先,只是把它拿走。将自己暴露在不同的噪音,不同的情况下,但是当你需要它们时休息。我发现它真的有助于倾听熟悉的歌曲,或与朋友和家人交谈。然而,请记住,这些以前熟悉的声音将与之截止。你会调整,它会变得更容易 - 坚持不懈是关键。此外,将您的听力学家提供尽可能多的反馈和尽可能多的示例。我发现它是一个非常合作的过程:听证会是这样个人,你的要求与其他人有所不同。例如,听音乐并与人交谈是我个人真正想专注的东西。


这比我预期的更难。有一个,我期待第二个更容易。在某些方面,但习惯于调整和听到新耳朵的挑战仍然在那里。这意味着我知道要期待的意义更容易,但它花了与第一只耳朵相同的工作。我也有平衡我的两只耳朵的挑战 - 我的右耳更加统治,因为我依赖这么久。随着第二个CI,听起来很响亮,因为我可以听到的“总”声音增加,这意味着我的第一个CI必须略微拒绝。

Having two implants is incredible—my hearing is much better with two than with one. I can hear voices better, especially even if there is background noise. I sometimes switch one off if I’m in a noisy situation or listening to music just to “test” how much better my hearing is with both on—and it always is much better! With my second CI, I can pick out and understand sounds far more accurately in a variety of listening situations: in a restaurant, having a conversation with somebody in another room, a large yoga class, at a concert.



Thanks, Ruth!

Ruth is a volunteer HearPeers Mentor. To chat with her about your hearing experiences and their life with an implantvisit the HearPeers website.


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