


Elijah’s activation day

Since learning that our son, Elijah, was a cochlear implant candidate, his activation day was the most anticipated day of our lives as parents! This day was when our son—who was born profoundly deaf—would be hearing for the first time!



We also asked our MED-EL audiologist, Nathalie, to be there for his initial activation when Elijah would be hearing for first time. Throughout this whole process, Nathalie has become such a trusted part of our family and we just wanted her assurance that everything with the programming was where it should be. She, of course, was excitedly there!


While dad held him, Laura told us what she was doing as she turned them on. Excitedly, I said, “Elijah.” He whipped his head around and everyone in room couldn’t help express their amazement with a “whoa!” He was smiling! Elijah was smiling because he was hearing our voices! His smile was a bit of nervous smile at times as he was hearing for the first time. Dr. J said that he is simply trying to decide whether this was a good or bad thing because hearing sound was so new to him.


Elijah takes the term “selective hearing” to another level! If we are around a noise that he does not like, such as a baby crying, Elijah will simply take off his “ears”—his audio processors. Ha! He also has speech and hearing therapy three times per week. My heart melts every time he copies a new sound! His favorite sounds to copy are “moo” for cows, and “ma” for mama!




Chelsea will be taking us on Elijah’s hearing journey through a series of upcoming posts on the MED-EL Blog. You’ll be able to get tips and tricks on bringing up your child with hearing loss—straight from a mom.



